While we are getting prepared for the Common Wealth Games 2010 which are scheduled to start in 59 days and 23 Hours as I write this post, i.e. 3rd of October 2010, in New Delhi, one of the agenda government had a while ago was to clean all the street markets, road side food stalls, and shift all the flower markets outside the main city premises seem to have taken a backseat and looks like these poor people will be thrown out overnight as usually we have seen slum clusters being cleaned up from several places in Delhi. Are we just going to leave them jobless, homeless and food-less again? Or filling up already-full-own-pockets is more important for people organizing these games? The public money which supposedly went down the drain in the name of the games could have given shelter, food and job to hundreds of such citizens of the country. May god bless us all. Amen.