
n I was growing up, one festival I used to look forward to was – Holi. Though my mother hated the post holi effects of colour stained hands and patches of colour on body :). Still I used to go out with my father and buy specifically those colours which would be toughest to wash away. As I grew up, the festival of colours kept changing every year.
Now, today you don’t get colours in those huge piles of metallic granules and colourful powder instead it’s now replaced by neatly packed herbal and chemical free colours and fancy water guns… I like it? I don’t know… I don’t play holi anymore… 11AM, this year, road in front of my condo was empty, 2PM I was at a restaurant eating a fancy meal. Only a handful people with coloured faces on the road. Now, I hardly see people with the same enthusiasm and excitement playing holi in this city. So is the festival of colour changed like the packaging has?