I have often talked about the migrants in Delhi, I feel for them because Delhi is home to about 150,000 homeless people in this city and only 25 night shelters, out of which only 10 are owned by government agency MCD, but I have to write a positive post, so I will not tell you that Night Shelter in Pusa Road was demolished in the peak of the winters on December 22, 2009 as part of the beautification drive of Delhi for Common Wealth Games 2010.
Not that Delhi has everything bad, most things are good – at least to me. Like the sleep of this man, after a hard days work, he’s taking a quick break from work under the green tree, so what if it’s the wall he’s sleeping at. Delhi is the greenest metropolitan city of India. And Delhi is probably the most welcoming and warm city too. Nobody wants you to speak punjabi, hindi, kannad, marathi or any other language to be accepted. Nor anyone ask you to scream Jai Dilli after every public speech, everyone says Jai Hind! Thank you Delhi!