I wanted to write about Ramadan or today, but when I noticed this picture – I thought, I must post it a couple of days before the Independence Day. Surprisingly this time, I haven’t seen much of celebration and usual tricolor decorations in the markets. Even on the red lights this year, the beggars-cum-flag sellers are much lesser than last year. Is it the newspapers, Radio & TV news channels? The way they are always complaining about the govt. and questioning even the good deeds of the govt. Questioning is healthy and good for the system – but spreading too much of negativity is sure killing the patriotism and spirit of the nation. Today, no one had the flag on their work station in my office. I felt very bad. I was disappointed. I wonder what could possibly be the reason?
For purely patriotic reason, I like the coloured Indian flag ahead and above the grayed out Union Jack and the guard giving me a stern look and the kid showing his butt under the Union Jack. No offense to my British friends. India Rocks!